Microorganisms Introduction, Types, Living Environments, High Growing Rate....

Zinarc Magazine



Microorganisms are ubiquitous on the earth. They are found in water, soil, air and interior and exterior surfaces of other organisms. Marine and freshwater microorganisms from the basis of food chain in oceans and freshwaters. Some of them do photosynthesis and are primary producers in aquatic environments. Soil microorganisms help recycling of chemical elements between soil, water, air and living organisms. Microorganisms suspended in air as bio-aerosols, have the opportunity to travel long distances with the wind current and precipitate. Pathogenic bio-aerosols, causes opportunities for disease spreading. Only a minority of microorganisms that associate with other organisms such as plants, animals and human are pathogenic. Majority of them are advantageous or harmless. However, all viruses are harmful to organisms they attached to. Some microorganisms are capable of inhabiting extreme environmental conditions that are unfavorable or even lethal for other organisms. Such microorganisms are known as extremophiles. Extremophiles have been found inside the earth’s crust, deep sea at high pressures, extreme acidic or extreme basic conditions, hydrothermal vents, frozen sea water and anaerobic conditions. Extremophiles are classified according to the conditions in which they grow.

Types of extremophiles




High temperatures


Low temperatures


Acid pH


Basic pH


Require NaCl


High pressure

Some of these extreme environments consist of more than one extreme condition.

EX:    1. Many hot springs are acidic or alkaline in nature at the same time.

2. Deep seas are cold and remain in high pressure.

Microorganisms live in such environments are adapted to live with more than one extreme condition.

Why microorganisms have high growing rate?

Rates of growth and reproduction of microorganisms are high. Microorganisms possess a high surface area/volume ratio due to their smaller size. This means that they have large surface area available for exchange of materials from external environment. As a result, flowing rate of materials in to the inside of cells and the exit of waste materials to the outside of the cells increases and results in high metabolic rate. Therefore, average generation time or the time required to double the population of microorganisms is relatively less.

Morphological, nutritional and physiological diversity of microorganisms.

Microorganisms possess diverse morphological forms. Bacteria possess diversity in their shapes, basically three distinct shapes,

1.                    1. Rod shape/Bacillus

2.                    2. Spherical shape/Coccus

3.                    3. Spiral shape/Spirillum.

The coccus bacteria may arrange in different forms,

1.    Coccus/Mono-coccus

2.    Diplococcus

3.    Streptococcus

4.    Staphylococcus

5.    Tetrads

6.    Sarcinae

Bacillus bacteria may arrange in to either Diplobacillus or Streptobacillus. Spiral bacteria may arrange in to either Vibrio or Spirillum or Spirochete.

Cyanobacteria exhibit a great variety of shapes and arrangements, unicellular to long multi cellular filaments. Multi cellular Cyanobacteria may appear as either filamentous or non-filamentous. Filamentous appear as chains and the non-filamentous appear as clusters or colonies forming spherical, cubical, square or irregular shape. Two morphological varieties are found in viruses based on their symmetry of protein coats, Icosahedral and Helical. 

In fungi, some of them are unicellular and others multicellular, consists of a mass of fine tubular branching threads known as hyphae, collectively form mycelium. Hyphae may be septate or aseptate. 

Prions are smaller proteinaceous particles. Unicellular protists possess wide range of morphological diversity. Mollecutes are pleomorphic (Variable Shapes).

Microorganisms show a diversity of nutritional types. Based on the sources of carbon and energy, nutritional types of microbes are classified. There are four major nutritional types can found among microorganisms.

1.    Chemoautotrophs

2.    Chemo-heterotrophs

3.    Photoautotrophs

4.    Photo-heterotrophs

Based on the oxygen utilization, microorganisms can be classified in to four physiological groups.

1.    Obligate aerobes

2.    Obligate anaerobes

3.    Facultative anaerobes

4.    Microaerophiles

Some microbes capable of fixing atmospheric molecular nitrogen, show physiological diversity, free living nitrogen fixing microbes and symbiotic nitrogen fixing microbes.


From this we want to tell you about a basic introduction of microorganisms. There are lot more to discuss about this topic and we hope to give you more in detailed information about microorganisms in our next posts.


(Reference: Grade 13 Biology recourse book – Sri Lanka)

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